He presides in the East and supervises the activities of the Lodge. He represents King Solomon and is in charge of the entrance of the Holy of Hollies. This Office is the consciousness level that relates to the Spirit. The Master opens the Lodge. His seat is in the East, three steps above the floor. He also represents Wisdom.
Senior Warden
He is in charge of the "Middle Chamber", or the Fellow Crafts. It's a representation of the Soul and morality. The Senior Warden closes the Lodge. His seat is in the West - two steps above the floor. He also represents Strenght.
He is in charge of the "Ground Floor", or the Entered Apprentices. His place relates to the physical world. He represents one's Character. Junior Warden calls the Lodge from labour to refreshment and from refreshment to labour. His seat is in the South - one step above the floor. He also represents Beauty.
Senior Deacon
The Deacons are the messengers of the Lodge. The Senior Deacon is the messenger of the Master. He represents one's presence and readiness. His seat is in the East, on the same level with the floor.
Junior Deacon
He is the messenger of the Senior Warden. He is the representation of the "feeling". He is seating in the West, on the same level with the floor.
He is the contact of the Lodge with the world outside. He is the "Ego" of the Lodge - he admits people in if he finds them fit and proper to enter. During the initiation, he warns the aspiring member not to enter the Lodge if his heart and mind are not pure. His seat is next to the door of the Lodge - usually in the North West.
He is seated outside of the Lodge room. It is his duty to exclude non-Masons from entering the Lodge, to keep the brethren safe from eavesdropping. He, as well as the Inner Guard, is in charge of collecting the signs and words that are necessary for a person to prove himself as a Mason. He is the representation of the physical world.
(Freemasonry - Symbols, Secrets, Significance - by W.Kirk MacNulty is used as a reference for this posting)